


The Academic Requirements Report provides students with a tool to evaluate w在这里 they are in fulfilling their College requirements.

The graduate requirements are listed in each course catalog that is published. 这些要求可以在学术课程部分找到 布林莫尔目录 或者在 学术节.

You can access the Academic Requirements Report from your "Academic Progress" tile. 进入页面后,点击左侧导航标签“学术进展”.“你的学术要求报告就会显示出来.


1) College Academic Units completed will show when you click on the ">" (right-pointing arrow) under "Academic units.然后你的单位会显示,e.g.: "单位:32.00要求,12.00个,20个.00需要:.  The Residency Unit Requirement: total units towards graduation and while in residence at Bryn Mawr, 在住院医师单位标题下可见.  再一次。, click on the ">" (right-pointing arrow) under Residency Units and you will see what you have completed, e.g.单位数:24.00要求,12.00人,12人.00需要."


  • 艾米丽·鲍尔奇研讨会
  • 定量的准备
  • 外语
  • 探究方法:批判性解释, 跨文化分析, 对过去的探究, 科学调查
  • 定量和数学推理
  • 体育要求(健康、游泳考试、体育选修课)

3) Additional Courses: courses that count towards the total units and residency requirement, but do not fulfill college requirements (including transcript and test credits)


带有复选标记的绿色圆圈表示你上了这门课.  等级将在等级列中显示.  只接受成绩为2分的课程.0分以上才能满足大学的要求.

黄色的钻石: 这是一门你已经预先注册或正在学习的课程. 一旦这门课评分,如果你得到2分.0或更高,图标将变成“taken”图标.  如果你没有以2分通过这门课.0或更高, you will see the course listed in the Additional Courses area of the Academic Requirements Report.

计划: 如果你已经将课程添加到你的学术计划中, they will appear as completing a requirement and be given the "planned" icon. 


“满足”的需求将有一个绿色的复选标记, 单击复选标记查看满足要求的课程.

如果一个需求“未被满足”,该需求将被打开. 搜索目录以找到满足该方法的课程.

  • 已完成的课程以2分完成.0 or better and courses are you currently registered for will complete a requirement in the report. 完成的需求被标记为“满足”.“如果你没有以2分的成绩完成正在进行的课程.0或更高,它们将不满足要求.
  • 如果需求被“满足”," the requirement area will collapse and the requirement will display "satisfied." To view the courses used to complete the requirement click the ">" symbol (right-pointing arrow).
  • Requirements marked "Not Satisfied" have not been satisfied by the courses you have taken or are currently registered for.  修读的CR/NC课程必须达到2级.0或更大以满足要求.
  • 有时候,你需要选择一门以上的课程来满足一种方法, 你选的第一道菜会出现.

如果你对你的学术要求报告有疑问, 请访问公会大厅下层的注册办公室, 或电子邮件 registrar@practicaldrilling.com


Instructors set prerequisites for their classes to ensure students are prepared to be successful.

A prerequisite is a course you must have completed before registering for another.  (A co-requisite is a course must take at the same time or prior to registering for another). 所有的先决条件都列在每门课程的课程描述中. Prerequisites are in place because for some courses prior knowledge of a topic is requirement.

如果你没有达到先决条件(或共同先决条件), 如果没有许可号码,您将不能注册.

Some departments list suggested courses to take prior to registering for another. 这些课程不是强制性的, but the department feels the courses help the student better prepare for the course material. Students could consult their Dean or Major Advisor before taking a course without the necessary suggested preparation courses.

你应该和这门课的老师谈谈. 在某些情况下, instructors may feel that your alternate preparation will still allow you to be successful in the course.  如果他们允许你在没有先决条件的情况下选修这门课, 你需要从教练那里获得许可号码.

不,不是所有的课程都有先决条件. If t在这里 is nothing listed in the course description, then the course is open to all students.



You must sign up in 仿生 (starting after Confirmation of 登记 ends) to declare a course credit/no credit.  The deadline to sign up for a full semester course is by the end of the sixth week of classes.  这个截止日期是严格执行的.  如果学生在截止日期前改变了主意, they may use the same process to revert the course back to the normal grading basis.

学分/无学分(CR/NC)是指一门课程通过或不及格.  It is an option available to allow you to a take an academic risk or pursue new subject matter.  The grade submitted by your professor for a CR/NC course is not factored into your GPA.  只要你至少获得1分,你就可以获得毕业学分.课程中0分.  On your transcript a “CR” (credit) or “NC” (no credit) will appear instead of a grade.   When taking a course CR/NC you are considered a regular member of the class and must meet all the academic commitments of the course on schedule.  您的CR/NC注册将不会通知指导老师.

是的.  Please note that the Bryn Mawr CR/NC rules apply to courses at other institutions.

是的.  但是,你的成绩必须达到2分.在该课程中取得0分或以上成绩,以达到要求.   如果小于2.0但大于1.0, you will still receive credit, but the requirement will not be fulfilled.

你不能以CR/NC的身份选修专业的课程.  If you take a course CR/NC and then decide to major in that department, the grade will be uncovered. 

是的. 你至少得得2分.在辅修课上占0分.

在布林莫尔大学的四年里,你最多可以修4门CR/NC课程.  你在一个学期里只能选一门CR/NC课程. 

例外: 如果你选的课程是CR/NC的每个人(e.g. Chorale or Orchestra), you may still choose to take one course under the ordinary CR/NC option.  转移 students may take one CR/NC unit for each year they spend at Bryn Mawr based on class year at entrance.

You can view the covered numeric grade by checking the grades page in your Student Center in 仿生

No. Once the CR/NC deadline has passed it is not possible to uncover your grade.  唯一的例外是如果这门课成为你专业的一部分, since students may not take any courses in their major under the CR/NC option.

In general, the deans advise that you not take courses related to potential graduate work CR/NC. 

  • 法学院不喜欢看到CR/NC课程的模式, 但一到两个CR/NC课程通常是好的. 
  • Medical schools and other graduate programs in the health professions want to see actual grades for prerequisite courses. 

The Guide for 1st and 2nd Year Students prepared by Bryn Mawr's 卫生专业咨询 Office recommends the following:  “Take few (or no) credit/non-credit courses.  It is best to take all your courses for a grade because medical schools look for applicants who have consistently challenged themselves throughout the undergraduate years. 你必须完成所有医学预科课程的要求才能获得成绩.” Please consult the 卫生专业咨询 Office if you need additional guidance.

Grades for courses taken credit/no credit are taken into consideration by the 注册商’s Office when determining your eligibility for magna cum laude and summa cum laude distinctions, 但是这些等级并没有被发现.

请参阅特殊的Covid Credit/No-Credit常见问题解答 在这里.




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